Hello guys ((: how are you? HAHA soalan mintak penampar....
Botak? Bullshit dude! LOL, act 5th January were the day for all KPMBM student have to register for their hostel. okay a long the registration were fine and smooth but ustaz was a bit late, and make the registration have to postpone from 2 to 2.45 pm i guess? okay enough on registration part. when it cames to the night ustaz make a decisions to look at all of the male student, and then he cut most of kpmbm male student. OUH SHIT! i hate it so dang much! luckily theres a bubble comes from my brain said that "IRFAN THIS IS JUST A TEST FOR YOU~" LOL. so Iam with what people said? paksa rela? and potong jela rambut aku yang mmg dah pendek tu :) but its okay, orang nak desipin kan kita kan? ikutkan jela^^